Hello Freedom Fighter
I want you to know that I have been where you are. Frustrated. Hopeless. Exhausted. Alone.
Perhaps you're about ready to give up, and have even considered just accepting bulimia as part of your life for good?
I struggled with chronic bulimia for 20 years. At my lowest point, I was bingeing and purging up to 7 times a day. I had tried everything I could think of and honestly thought that it was impossible to beat.
But I did. I found a way out. And now, I am dedicated to helping you do the same.
I don't want you to just "recover".
I want you to fall in love with your incredible body again, to nurture it back to true radiant health, and experience a joy and fearlessness around food that few can even imagine!!
Together we'll strive for true freedom!
Helen Bennett
- Founder of Bulimia Freedom, and certified Health and Addiction Recovery coach.
Coach Helen Bennett
Former Chronic Binger & Purger
Current Badass Intuitive Eater
& Shameless Body Appreciater